Last week I wrote an open letter to Councillor Tim Warren, the Conservative Leader of the Council, calling for party politics to be put aside and for all of us to work together.
In his reply Cllr Warren seemed to accept my offer.
However, it is not clear from this latest statement whether the debate on 12 November will be a step towards this and be a debate on the issue generally, or will Council be expected to vote on a site.
As the Conservatives hold an outright majority on the Council I hope they are not seeking to disassociate themselves from a difficult decision by bringing this issue to full Council.
I hope instead that Cllr Warren will take this opportunity to suspend the current, deeply flawed process and agree to a meeting between the main parties and the three parish Councils around the Bathampton valley to plan the next steps.
Bath’s traffic problems are serious and so we need to work together to find solutions that are acceptable to all concerned. That particularly includes the people who live to the East of Bath because they are the ones that will have to live with the consequences of these decisions.
Councillor Dine Romero, Leader of the Lib Dem Group on B&NES Council