Local residents have just 2 weeks left to get their comments in on the new ward boundary configuration in Bath and North East Somerset.
The Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) took a decision last year to reduce the number of Councillors in B&NES from 65 to 59.
This had long been expected and was based on evidence about the number of Councillors needed to carry out the democratic processes of the Council and properly represent local people.
This means that the way the Council area is currently divided into wards will no longer be suitable and the Commission has been looking at where the new ward boundaries should be drawn.
An initial consultation took place at the end of last year and many local groups made submissions, including political parties, individual Councillors, members of the public, local interest Groups and town and parish Councils.
The LGBCE has considered all the evidence which was submitted and has now created their own independent draft proposal for the whole Council area.
This can be seen on the Commission’s website. The Commission is now asking for comments on this proposal, with a consultation deadline of 19th February 2018.
Key considerations for the Commission are to ensure already established communities are not split, that there is effective local governance and that each ward should have a similar number of voters per Councillor.
The Liberal Democrat party for Bath and North East Somerset want to ensure that all local residents have the opportunity to make their voice heard in this final review of ward boundaries.
Ben Stevens, Chair of the Liberal Democrat party in B&NES said: “We urge all residents to take a look at the proposed new boundaries and to get involved.
“This is your chance to have your say on how you would like your community to be governed and where the new ward boundaries should be drawn.
“It’s worth noting that the LGBCE process is transparent and that the Commission has a good record of amending draft recommendations based on community response, so it really is worth responding to the consultation.”