Ben Howlett, the MP for Bath, will be holding another #HowlettsHour on Twitter between 5.30pm and 6.30pm on Monday 13th February, with local residents invited to submit any questions they may have.
For one hour on Twitter, Ben will be answering queries from constituents on any issue they may have. He has already held several #HowlettsHours before and was busy tweeting on wide range of questions.
Ben said: “I have always been committed to ensuring that residents are able to contact me however is most convenient for them.
“Twitter is a great way to communicate in a direct manner and it not just for young people. The fastest growth in users of social media are the over 40s.”
“In previous #HowlettsHours I have had dozens of constituents contact me with their views, ideas and questions and I am looking forward to hearing from them again this Friday.”
To get involved, simply log on to Twitter between 5.30pm and 6.30pm next Monday and tweet at Ben (@ben4bath) with the hashtag #HowlettsHour.