A huge surprise awaited The Royal High School Nursery girls when they returned to school after the Christmas holidays, a whole new room just for them.
The decision was made to expand the Nursery, which is located in the historic Cranwell House, to offer the girls further opportunities to flourish and develop as independent learners and also to meet the growing demand for places.
Squeals of delight were heard as the girls explored the space in what was the original Orangery.
The additional room allows the youngest girls at The Royal High School to have a wider variety of choice in terms of learning experiences and also provides a quiet area for focused group work and key worker activities.
Josie and Ella in the Nursery love their new room and said: “we like having more space for all our toys and for the computers!”
The additional room affords the opportunity to open the doors to more girls who would like to join the Royal High School family.
A warm, caring and inclusive environment is offered where learning is fun and being happy is always at the top of the agenda. The Nursery is a place where curiosity and creativity are encouraged and a whole new world of discovery is revealed.
It is a place where young girls can be offered the very best start to their education with lots of fun and enjoyment along the way.
The new environment has come at a very exciting time for another reason, with the school having just received their ISI Report, following the inspection in November last year.
The Royal High School was awarded ‘excellent’ for both academic and personal development, the highest accolade a school can achieve. In particular, the report judged academic attainment in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) to be ‘very high’ with the ‘well designed, creative activities provided and the close monitoring by the staff’ contributing to this high level of achievement.
The report further found that girls in the EYFS ‘express joy in the natural world’ and that ‘from a young age they take responsibility for their own actions, and as they grow older become increasingly aware that the decisions they take are important determinants of their own success and well-being’.
Head of the Junior School, Miss Heidi Hughes, commented: “I am delighted with the results of our recent inspection reflecting the superb quality of education offered at the school, and in particular the comments in the report highlighting the EYFS setting. With the new spaces now available in Nursery there are exciting times ahead!”
You can also read the full ISI report via: https://www.royalhighbath.gdst.net/our-school/results-and-inspections/.