Local primary school children are to learn that coding is not just for computer programmers in free coding and programming workshops, being run by ComputerXplorers Bath during British Science Week in March.
Schools are advised to book their free ComputerXplorers Programming for Primaries workshop early as demand is always high and places are limited.
British Science Week this year will run from 10th to 19th March 2017. The workshops form part of ComputerXplorers’ annual Programming for Primaries initiative.
This year, children will learn to programme their own computer game and the workshop leader will demonstrate clear links between the skills they have used and a broad range of future career opportunities.
Over 1,500 children have already benefitted from the free programming workshops since the initiative was launched in 2014.
John Fisher, director of ComputerXplorers Bath, explained: “There is a common misconception that programming is only relevant for people who go on to be dedicated computer programmers or software developers.
“In fact, there are many industries and professions where programming skills can be useful, from filmmaking to marketing, business to medicine, science and engineering to sports and nutrition.
“It is so important that primary school children understand the full relevance and potential of programming skills, across the arts, the sciences and any other field of interest.”
Exposing children aged 8 to 11 to information about different professions, and showing the relevance of what they are learning in school, can be very beneficial. It is believed that it can raise aspirations, enhance attitudes to education and boost future career prospects.
“Our goal is to help primary age children understand that computer programming is a key skill that can unlock many career opportunities,” continueed John.
“While it forms part of the STEM curriculum, it is also relevant to the creative industries. Our Programming for Primaries workshops are ideal for schools that want to use British Science Week as a platform to inspire their pupils to hone their programming skills and think about their futures.”
Programming for Primaries is supported by Microsoft and the workshops align with the Government’s primary education strategy.
Schools wishing to sign up for a workshop should contact John at johnf@computerxplorers.co.uk or visit http://www.bristolandbath.computerxplorers.co.uk/.