A “much-needed” refuse facility for boaters on the Kennet and Avon Canal will remain open after canal and council bosses came to an agreement.

A waste collection at the site in March | Photo supplied
The Canal & River Trust bins in Bathampton had been set to close in March after they became a fly-tipping hotspot and Bath & North East Somerset Council told the charity to close the facility.
Boaters who rely on the facility said they were being “punished for the deeds of a minority” and over 540 people signed a petition to keep them open.
But now the trust and council have come to an agreement to keep them open.
Mark Evans, regional director of the Canal & River Trust, said: “I know that the uncertainty around the future of the facility has been a concern to boaters.
“And I’m grateful that, with additional measures to manage the site, including increasing frequency of collections, the council has agreed for us to keep the bin store open.
“The possibility of relocating the bins nearby is something that we’ll continue to consider in the longer term subject to local consultation.”
Tim Ball, council cabinet member for neighbourhood services, said: “I very much welcome these developments and we will continue to work with everyone involved to ensure the needs of boaters, the Bathampton community and the environment are met now and over the longer term.”
People who live on the canal in Bathampton rely on the bins to take their rubbish and recycling away.
The next closest bins on the canal are in Bath or at the Dundas Basin.
The bins are run by the Canal & River Trust but they are on land owned by Bath & North East Somerset Council.
John Wimperis, Local Democracy Reporter