Landlords across the Bath area have been given an annual reminder of their responsibilities when it comes to ensuring the gas safety of tenanted properties.
Gas Safety Week, which is running from 19th to 25th September, aims to raise awareness of gas safety and the importance of having gas appliances checked and maintained by a qualified engineer.
More than 6,500 organisations have teamed up with the Gas Safe Register to highlight the importance of annually checking all gas appliances, with the intention of protecting tenants from the threat posed by poorly maintained gas appliances.
Carole Charge, technical and compliance director at property specialist Leaders, said: “Gas safety is a serious issue and failure to tackle it appropriately can lead to disastrous consequences, so we support valuable initiatives such as Gas Safety Week that aim to raise awareness and keep homes safe.
“The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 state it is the responsibility of the landlord to protect their tenants when it comes to ensuring gas appliances, fittings and chimneys or flues are safe.
“It is not all about simply maintaining gas supplies and appliances and carrying out repairs when required.
“Landlords must also have an annual gas safety inspection carried out in their properties and provide a record of all gas safety checks to their tenants within 28 days, or to new tenants upon the start of a tenancy.”
Individual appliances should be serviced in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidance, while it is also crucial that all work in a rental property is carried out by a certified Gas Safe-registered engineer.
Carole added: “One way for landlords to take the weight off their shoulders when it comes to dealing with gas safety is to work with a reputable and professional letting agents.
“At Leaders, we take care of gas safety in every property we manage, ensuring homes are safe for tenants and that our landlords comply with all relevant legislation. We only use Gas Safe-registered engineers and ensure comprehensive records of all work are kept.”