This week, The Pig is mostly…
SWAPPING the beer goggles for a clever cap: yup The Grapes’ legendary online Quiz Night is back… and this time it’s weekly, hosted by Quizmaster General @DonoMuffin and featuring a tech round courtesy of support service aficionados Raucus Caucus, with prizes courtesy of quiz sponsors Honeys Cider. Join the crew every Monday evening; find the Zoom link on @thegrapesbath Twitter feed.
CELEBRATING Furmint February. Say wha-a-a-a-t? Catch yourselves up at the back on the evening of Friday 26th February at Novel Wines’ Virtual Wine Tasting event that puts fabulous Furmint (it’s a wine, innit?) in the spotlight. The event costs £59 per household to include 3 full-size bottles of premium Furmint (Demetervin Estate, SanzonTokaj Classic and TR Muvek) delivered to your doorstep before the guided tasting masterclass begins and, of course, that all-important Zoom link invitation. Cheers, Piggies! (
WISHING a very Happy Birthday to Bath’s glorious, independent, boisterous burger business Schwartz Bros: 44 years young this week, and still going very, very strong. I sense a Birthday Burger party coming up on Thursday…
HUGELY impressed by the array of locally sourced fresh produce on show at The Bathwick Greengrocers, aka The Pulteney Arms on Daniel Street, Bathwick. Stock up on fresh fruit and veg, fish, meat, dairy, herbs, poultry and more from suppliers including lovely Lovejoys and Larkhall Butchers at prices that easily beat the high street supermarket chains. Rock up or order online for collection Monday-Saturday (no minimum order) (
KEEPING a keen eye on the refit going on at 36 Broad Street (formerly Koh Thai Tapas) in readiness for the imminent arrival of a seventh branch in the Sri Lankan Coconut Tree chain (
GOING flippin’ crazy at Pan Crepes (Green Park Station) on Pancake Day (or rather Pancake Week, as it’s become known at PG HQ.) Sweet? Savoury? Both? All? Ah, decisions, decisions… (
For more news, views and food-related chat, visit The Pig Guide at and follow The Pig on Twitter @ThePigGuide.