Thieves have robbed Bath’s Foodbank of a large amount of food, as well as vital supplies including soap, shampoo and toilet rolls.
The break in happened during the night of Thursday 27th March.
Thieves broke the padlocks on the four shipping containers that are used to house the foodbank’s supplies in Bathampton.
The theft included an electronic weighing machine costing around £60 and various items of food. They also took all their supplies of soap, shampoo and toilet rolls.
They also left a large mess in the containers where they’d been looking for goods.
The foodbank has already had offers of help but local residents are being encouraged to help them replenish stocks by donating at the various collection points around the city:
- Morrisons (London Road)
- St Michaels Cafe (opposite Waitrose)
- Sainsbury’s Green Park
- Manvers St Cafe.
The foodbank also have an all day collection at Sainsbury’s Odd Down on Saturday 12th April.
Since the Bath Foodbank was started in September 2011, they have provided over 7,000 people including 2,000 children with emergency food to see them through a short term crisis.
The foodbank provides for some of the most vulnerable people across the city.
David Purdon, the Chair of Bath Foodbank, said: “It is very disappointing for all the volunteers who freely give their time to Bath Foodbank to find that we have been broken into.
“We rely on the generosity of the people of Bath to provide donations of food and other items, and it is sad to think that some people would steal from us.
“We would like to take this opportunity to thank the people of Bath who continue to support us and and always give so generously.”