Work has been undertaken to restore and protect a historic stone wall in Keynsham following calls from local Conservative councillor Alan Hale.
The ancient stone wall, which forms the gateway to the town’s Dapps Hill conservation area, was riddled with vegetation growing through it and deemed at risk of potential collapse at certain spots.
No action had been taken to protect the wall for many years, with nobody claiming ownership of the wall and the local Council refusing to take on responsibility for the wall’s maintenance.
Several calls for action from local residents over the years had fallen on deaf ears at Bath and North East Somerset Council, with officers saying only that the Council would clear any debris if parts of the wall collapsed to ensure public safety.
However, following several months of pressure from Councillor Hale, including a visit to the site by Council officers, Bath and North East Somerset Council agreed to take on the job of clearing the vegetation from the wall and protecting its structure.
Councillor Alan Hale (Cons, Keynsham South), said: “In Keynsham we have lost most evidence of our town’s history over the years, making it even more important to preserve that which remains.
“This wall is part of the Dapps Hill Conservation Area and so it was vital that it be repaired for the benefit of the whole town, and in its restored form it looks very impressive.
“I am pleased that by getting involved in this issue on behalf of local residents a resolution was eventually agreed that has resulted in the appearance of the area being enhanced. I am grateful to the officers on this occasion for acting in the best interests of the community.”
Local resident Roger Busby, who had also pressed the Council for action on the wall, commented: “The residents of Dapps Hill have been trying to get this wall repaired over many years.
“It is recorded on the Heritage at Risk Register and we appreciate that at last, with the help of Councillor Hale’s intervention, it has been repaired.”