Drop-in HIV testing is to be offered in Bath tomorrow, Tuesday 26th November, in the run-up to World Aids Day on 1st December.
2013 sees the 25th World Aids Day which is an annual event that started in 1988 to raise awareness of the virus thought to be lived with by around 100,000 in the UK; in Bath and North East Somerset 0.67 per 1,000 adults were accessing care for HIV in 2011.
The drop in session is part of National HIV Testing Week and Sirona’s Sexual Health Improvement Service is joining forces with the Terrence Higgins Trust to raise awareness about HIV and Aids.
Kerry Wheeler and Zoe Hurrell are Sirona’s Sexual Health Improvement Practitioners and are inviting people to display a red ribbon in support of the campaign.
Kerry said: “World AIDS Day is held on 1 December each year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died.
“It is suggested that approximately 25% of people living with HIV are not aware of their HIV status and within Bath & North East Somerset half of those newly diagnosed were diagnosed at a late stage of HIV infection.
“Late diagnosis is when the virus has already had a damaging impact on the individual’s immune system and treatment should have already commenced.
“Raising awareness about HIV testing is therefore an important issue both nationally and locally.
“In running the campaign we hope to bring HIV/AIDS to the forefront – increasing conversation, awareness and testing.”
The drop in HIV Testing clinic will be held by the Terrence Higgins Trust with Sirona staff at the Riverside Health Centre in James Street West from 2pm to 5pm on 26th November and is for those aged over 18.
No appointments are needed and the tests will be via finger-prick samples and results will be available within 20 minutes.
Kerry said: “If a test detects HIV a dedicated and supportive team will refer the person to the nearest specialist service for ongoing treatments. Individuals will be offered emotional and practical support to deal with diagnosis.”