Local people in possession of empty properties are being encouraged by the Council to take steps to bring them back into use as part of Empty Property Week starting today.
Specialist Housing Team advisors will be on hand at the Council’s One Stop Shop in Manvers Street, Bath from Monday 25th until Friday 29th November from 2pm – 4pm each day to give advice on financial assistance for owners, VAT relief on refurbishment, advertising properties for sale and private sector leasing schemes.
The Council is also taking the opportunity to highlight the financial schemes available for works ranging from minor repairs to major schemes to get an empty property back into use.
- Grant scheme of up to £500;
- Loan scheme of up to £30,000 to be repaid over 10 years.
Councillor Tim Ball (Lib-Dem, Twerton), Cabinet Member for Homes and Planning, said: “The Council has supported over 100 empty properties get back into use over the past two years. We now want to increase that number by using Empty Property Week to raise understanding and awareness about how owners can get their asset back into use.
“Grants, loans and advice are available. But we need property owners to take the first step and reach out to us for guidance and support. We are looking forward to seeing many of the empty property owners we have written to at the One Stop Shop.”
Estimates indicate that there are around 500 empty properties in the area; approximately 200 of which have been empty for over two years.
Powers are available to the Council where owners fail to take steps to bring their properties back into use despite being offered advice and assistance – in September 2013 the Council approved the compulsory purchase of two empty properties in Bath.
For more information, call the Council on 01225 477967, email [email protected] or look up ‘Empty Homes’ in the Council’s A-Z at www.bathnes.gov.uk