Liberal Democrats in B&NES have highlighted the importance of the Human Rights Act to local residents in a debate at a recent full Council meeting.
The motion, which called on local MPs to oppose the repeal of the Act, garnered wide support from opposition Councillors.
The motion was countered by an amendment pushed through by the Conservative Group.
Councillor Lisa Brett (Walcot, Liberal Democrats) commented: “The Human Rights Act is a triumph of British values.
“It is a cause for pride and celebration and should not be used as a political pawn to appease right-wing prejudices and vested interests.
“Repeal of the Human Rights Act and introduction of a Bill of Rights will effectively end the universal, direct application of Human Rights in British courts and make it harder for individuals to get justice.
“It’s disappointing, but not surprising that B&NES Conservatives toed the national party line.
“B&NES residents can no doubt expect them to meekly accept instructions from HQ on all important issues.”