Councillor Joe Rayment will be running as the Labour candidate for Bath in the upcoming general election on 8th June, after being elected for the Twerton ward in 2015.
Since being elected, Mr Rayment has campaigned on a number of issues during his time as a councillor.
He was the first councillor to propose the resettling of Syrian refugees in Bath, he fought against the closure of Bath Community Academy, and has been vocal in his opposition to the Conservative led council on matters such as budget cuts and the East of Bath Park & Ride.
Cllr Rayment works for a local charity dealing with alcohol and substance misuse, and homelessness in the city. He has also been campaigning against government policy which he claims is causing a hidden poverty crisis in Bath, forcing more and more people to rely on foodbanks.
Following his selection, Joe said: “I’m incredibly grateful for this chance to put myself forward to be Bath’s voice in Westminster.
“If elected, I will work tirelessly for the people of Bath and fight against the Tory and Liberal austerity agenda which has created a hidden poverty crisis in our city and around the country.
“We need to invest in more social housing so that young people can actually afford a home, and families can spend their hard-earned money on food for their children rather than on unaffordable rents. That is what Labour stands for, and that’s what Bath deserves.
“The Tories and Liberals want to make this another referendum on the EU, but it isn’t. We’ve had that referendum already, and I was heartbroken by the result.
“But now we need to work out what kind of country we want to live in after we leave the EU. Vote Labour and together we will create a country for the many, not the few.”
The deadline to register to vote in the upcoming election is 22nd May. To register, visit