Conservatives in Bath & North East Somerset have slammed attempts by opposition councillors to put a stop to the planned East of Bath Park & Ride.
The criticism comes following the decision of Lib Dem councillors, together with three Labour Councillors and one Green councillor, to launch a formal challenge of plans to progress Bath’s long-discussed Eastern Park & Ride by calling-in the Cabinet’s decision of a preferred Park & Ride site.
Reacting to the call-in, Councillor Anthony Clarke (Cons, Lansdown) said: “In all the years the Lib Dems ran the Council, they failed to take any meaningful action to improve traffic and transport in the city.
“So it’s a shame that, alongside Labour and Green Councillors, the Lib Dems are now trying to block any attempts to deliver much-needed improvements to Bath’s transport infrastructure.
“For too long, Bath has been let down by stop-start projects and a lack of investment in its transport infrastructure.
“That’s why, in 2014, councillors from all political parties came together and agreed upon a comprehensive Transport Strategy for Bath that included new and expanded Park & Ride provision.
“It’s therefore disappointing that Labour and the Lib Dems have decided to abandon working cross-party for the long-term good of the city and have instead returned to opposing much-needed investment in Bath’s transport infrastructure.
“The Lib Dems’ latest stance is particularly surprising given the significant amount of time and money they spent on the project when they were running the Council.”
Commenting on the need for an East of Bath Park & Ride, Councillor Tim Warren added: “A new eastern Park & Ride is an important part of our wider plan to improve transport, tackle congestion and support the growth of our local economy.
“We have followed a robust process to assess the need and demand for an eastern Park & Ride, and looked exhaustively at all the various site options in deciding upon our preferred site.
“We have taken on board all the comments received, and will go to great lengths to ensure the Park & Ride is sensitive to its surroundings and screened from view.
“Bath is set to see significant economic growth in the coming years, but with these new jobs will come increased traffic unless action is taken now.
“Alongside other measures such as improved rail services, more cycling provision, and an A36-A46 link road, an eastern Park & Ride will play an important role in helping address Bath’s well-known transport issues.
“It’s for these reasons the Park & Ride has received wide support from local business organisations, residents associations and transport groups.”
Speaking earlier this month, Councillor Alison Millar (Bathavon North, Lib Dem), who is the lead councillor on the call in, commented: “We are challenging this decision on a wide range of different grounds which the Conservative administration failed properly to consider before signing off on the Park and Ride last week, and which render that decision unsound.
“This call in is one of the few powers available to opposition Councillors to hold the Cabinet to account and force them to prove their case.”
“Failures in the way this terrible proposal has been handled include: inaccuracies and omissions in the report supplied to cabinet; the stakeholder consultation, which was very poorly constructed and which they ultimately ignored; muddled language in the recommendations; and the lack of tangible evidence justifying this project overall.”
“Of particular concern is the huge public outcry which has occurred since the decision. In the last few days several prominent individuals who live in Bath have added their voices to express their concern. Surely this should be setting alarm bells ringing?
“It’s not too late for the Cabinet to step back from the breach; to decide to preserve the green belt for the purpose for which it is intended and to focus its efforts on producing effective solutions to the congestion and pollution problems of this city.”