Ben Howlett, the Member of Parliament for Bath, has called on the government to introduce the teaching of climate change as part of the national curriculum.
Mr Howlett asked the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change whether she plans to work with the Secretary of State for Education “to ensure climate change is taught as part of the national curriculum?”
In reply, the Secretary of State agreed with Mr Howlett that this is an important issue adding, “making sure the dangers of climate change is communicated to the next generation remains an important part of our plan and we do work closely with the Department of Education to ensure that happens.”
Last week Mr Howlett hosted a round table discussion in Westminster on climate change with campaigners from his constituency.
At the meeting Mr Howlett promised to work hard to ensure climate change was taken seriously and the government’s targets of reducing emissions by 40% by 2030 are achieved.
Commenting later, Mr Howlett said: “I am pleased the Secretary of State is taking this issue seriously.
“It is very important that our young people in Bath and across the UK, are educated on all the risks that climate change poses and are taught how they can reduce their carbon footprint.”