Bath Labour Party has voted to nominate Jeremy Corbyn in the upcoming leadership election, with around 60% of those in attendance lending him their support.

Image courtesy of Twocoms /
During the meeting, statements were read out on behalf of the leadership candidates and then the debate was opened to members for a 30-minute session.
The session was described as lively and passionate but remained respectful throughout.
Bath Labour Chair, Jane Middleton, commented: “It was very pleasing to see our members engage in such a friendly and well mannered debate.
“This is something that has been repeated in constituency Labour parties throughout the UK, but sadly the only meetings that make the national press are the very few where there have been allegations of harassment or misconduct.
“Since the EU referendum, Bath Labour has seen a massive surge in its membership – a strong indication of confidence in the party both locally and nationally.”
Bath Labour will now submit its decision to the national party. The results of the leadership election will be announced at the Labour Party conference on 24th September.