New research has revealed only a third of the UK’s seven million unpaid carers expect to go on any kind of holiday this year, with the Carers’ Centre in Bath hoping to increase that figure.
Over two thirds (68%) of carers quizzed said they would not be going on holiday this year, half haven’t had a holiday for between one and five years, and a further quarter haven’t been away at all in the last five years.
The research showed that the majority of carers (75%) care for over 50 hours a week.
Carers Trust, the largest charity for unpaid carers, carried out the survey as it launches its Britain’s Best Breakfast fundraising campaign which urges the UK to ‘wake up’ to the realities of caring and raise money to support the UK’s unpaid carers.
The Bath & North East Somerset Carers’ Centre is part of Carers Trust’s network of independent partners and will be taking part in this national fundraising campaign to raise money locally to support unpaid carers.
One in 10 of us is a carer and three in five of us will become a carer at some point in our lives. Most all of us will know a carer and anybody can become a carer, literally overnight.
30% of carers who responded to the survey told Carers Trust they never get a break of any kind. Only 7% said they got a daily break from the responsibility of caring.
Yet even then, 63% of carers admitted they spent their ‘breaks’ doing chores. Less than 1 in 10 attend a carers’ group for support, whilst 1 in 5 simply sleep when they get a break.
Over half (55%) of those who said they never got a break said it was because there was no one else who could take over.
Carers Trust wants Britain’s Best Breakfast, supported by leading bakery food-on-the-go retailer, Greggs and Reveal magazine, to raise money to support all unpaid carers and give them a break from their caring role through its network of carer centres and programmes.
“This research confirms that carers often work around the clock without a break. With the support of our community, the Carers’ Centre can help ease the pressure on those that care unpaid, and provide them with breaks, support and advice,” said Carers’ Centre Chief Executive Sonia Hutchison.
Supporting carers is easy, all you need to do is hold a breakfast event and donate to Carers Trust.
Whether its tea and toast with some work colleagues, cereal at the school breakfast club or a fry up with family and friends, it all helps. Look out for bespoke events and promotions at your local Greggs too.
For more information about the campaign text egg to 70660 or visit or if you or someone you know is a carer, visit