The Environment Agency last night issued a flood warning for stretches of the River Avon across Bath, as water levels rise once again after more rain.
Properties upstream from the Bathampton Bridge and King Edward School’s sports fields to riverside properties at Twerton and Locksbrook are expected to flood, with Pulteney Weir and the nearby Sports Centre car park and Cricket Ground set to go under for a second time in the past fortnight.
Between 10 mm and 25 mm of rain fell across Bath over the past 24 hours. Up to 20 mm of rainfall is forecast between midday and midnight today.
Today’s forecast is for prolonged rainfall from late morning onwards.
Ground is already heavily saturated with rain water and the forecast into early next week is for the unsettled conditions to continue.
River levels on the River Avon at Bathford and at Twerton are falling but are expected to rise again.
The Council issued this statement on Friday: “The prolonged period of wet weather has increased the risk of land slips and therefore the public should avoid walking on river banks and near watercourses for the foreseeable future.
“Any resident who is experiencing flooding of their property, or is at imminent risk of flooding should contact the emergency services on 999. People concerned about the risk of flooding should refer to the Environment Agency Floodline on 0845 988 1188 for details of any flood warnings. The Environment Agency provides an automated service whereby people can sign up to receive warnings direct.
“If a property floods from another property the land owner should be contacted. If a road is blocked due to flood water or the highway drains are not working please call Council Connect on 01225 394041 (during office hours) or the Council’s out of hours emergency number 01225 477477.
“Our highway contractor maintains an incident response service outside of normal hours. If members of the public experience flooding on the highway or from the highway, they should call and the Highways Team will respond. If flooding is experienced on Council property or from Council property, again Council Connect on 01225 394041 (during office hours) or the Council’s out of hours emergency number 01225 477477 should be called.
“The public are strongly advised not to drive or walk through flood water. Carrying a mobile phone at all times will enable you to seek assistance if you encounter flooding. Please remain vigilant in relation to water levels near your property and be careful not to park your vehicle near to a potential flood risk. Contact the emergency services in a flooding emergency.
“The Council is unable to supply sand bags to residents. Sand bags are normally available from local builders’ merchants. Alternatively, carrier bags or black sacks filled with soil can offer similar levels of property protection.
“The Council has been prepared for these wet conditions and has taken precautions such as ensuring that gullies are clear to take any excess run-off water. The Council’s Highways Team is ready to respond to any incidents reported via Council Connect on 01225 394041 or Twitter @ccbathnes (during office hours) or on 01225 477477 (outside of office hours).”