From today, 1st April, there will be a new provider of HIV prevention and support services for people across Bath and North East Somerset, The Eddystone Trust.
For more than 27 years Eddystone, a registered charity, has delivered a wide range of HIV and sexual health related services: supporting people affected by HIV; providing prevention services; developing and delivering targeted evidence based awareness campaigns; and professional training.
The charity are experienced at providing consistent and equitable service delivery across a geographically diverse area that encompasses Devon, Cornwall, Somerset and Gloucestershire and now Bath and North East Somerset.
They have significant expertise in working in towns and cities and across rural areas, delivering services that are tailored to local needs and requirements.
Their innovative service delivery is supported by a team of people with a wide range of skills, knowledge and abilities.
Central to all they do is a commitment to challenging stigma, discrimination and ignorance of HIV and sexual health issues affecting some of the most marginalised groups in society.
From 1st April the trust is aiming for there to be as little service disruption as possible and they have been working with Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) to minimise any interruptions in service.
They will continue to deliver a full range to services to people affected by HIV in Bath and across Somerset.
Eddystone will continue to offer a comprehensive health promotion programme across Bath and North East Somerset.
This will include a condom distribution scheme aimed at people most at risk of infection.
They will be working very closely with the Royal United Hospital, the provider of treatment services, to ensure a seamless provision of services.
Services will continue, including weekly attendance at the GUM Clinic in Bath and at the One Stop Shop, Manvers Street, Bath.
The charity are planning to review and understand all services currently on offer across the Bath & North East Somerset area to ensure that they deliver them as fairly as possible, as well as looking to build creative and dynamic partnerships with clinical services and community organisations across the area.
Due to THT’s Data Protection policies they are unable to transfer the records of existing service users.
If you currently receive services and you want to continue to access those services please contact them directly.
From 1st April anyone who is HIV positive should contact The Eddystone Trust on 0800 328 3508.