Students at Bath College have dedicated thousands of hours to volunteering this year, supporting schools, community projects and fundraising events.
To celebrate, and to recognise the importance of giving your time to help others, the college held its annual Employability and Volunteering Awards ceremony.
Students received certificates for volunteer of the month, department awards and the platinum award – for those with over 75 hours of volunteering.
Nominations included performing arts student Aaron Hooper, who volunteers every week for Somer Valley FM and is the Sports and Societies Officer for the Bath College Students’ Union.
Hairdressing student Katie Nelmes was also chosen for a platinum award after spending 288 hours volunteering, including as a volunteer for Entribe – a community enterprise project in Snow Hill.
Stonemasonry students Deborah Harrison, Jonny Stoker, Morwenna Harrington and Carl Minney were presented with the award for volunteering group of the year.
The group worked hard to create a stone bench for Bath City Farm. A competition was held for the best design, which Deborah won, and she chose her team to help her complete the project.
Jonny, who is studying for a Level 2 stonemasonry diploma, said: “We all enjoyed working on the project, we learnt a lot and feel this was a unique experience, even though it was challenging.”
Morwenna was also awarded the Principal’s Work Experience Student of the Year after working on the building site for the new casino and hotel at Saw Close and securing a company to support her as an apprentice next year.
Complementary therapy tutor Di Rowe won an award for Outstanding Support for Students: Tutor of the Year after organising numerous volunteering opportunities for students, including at the Bath Half Marathon, the Stroke Association and Hayesfield School.
The Students’ Union team chose Ryan Dunford as the Student Charity Fundraiser of the Year for his willingness to volunteer in his spare time.
Health and social care student Freya Game was also chosen for the Principal’s Volunteering student of the Year for her work with social services support, Time to Share and Keynsham Mencap Group.
Student Engagement Officer Hayley Hayward-Boyle, who works to organise volunteering opportunities for students at the college, said: “Most of us know how important our social life is. We value going out, meeting up with friends and doing what we enjoy.
“For disabled young people, the opportunity to go out with someone new or different can have a hugely positive impact. Freya gives this opportunity to many young people in a selfless and caring manner, dedicating her time to help others.”
Chris Butt, Founder & CEO at Cognisess, attended the awards ceremony to present the award for Outstanding Support for Students.
The award was presented to Jess Gibson, from Whitmore Plumbing, who has taken 17 students on work experience this year.
Careers and Employability Manager Ben Cocks said: “Students have fed back that their placements provided them with valuable industry experience and allowed them to put their learning into practice.
“Students also felt that they grew as individuals and felt more confident about pursuing a career in the sector. We really value the support of local businesses and the college has a real focus on celebrating success, so these awards have been great to be part of.”