Students at Bath College teamed together last week to raise over £900 for Children in Need through cake sales, street collections and a music gig.
Early year education students at the college’s Somer Valley Campus kicked off a week’s worth of fundraising activities.
They dressed up for a street collection in Midsomer Norton, collecting nearly £300 for projects supported by the Children in Need appeal.
At the college’s city centre campus business and IT students enrolled on the college’s Vocation Access Programme held a cake sale.
A collection in the centre of Bath raised over £260 thanks to childcare, performing arts and beauty students who dressed up as superheroes.
In the college’s music department, students organised a gig and on Friday it was childcare takeover day.
The day, organised by students studying childcare, included face painting, guess how many sweets in the jar and guess the name of the teddy.
Staff members Sarah Demirci, Jess Lewis, Abi Holt and Lesley Hart helped with the day and joined in by dressing up as superheroes.
Staff at the college braved the Pie a Pudsey stand where they had custard pies thrown at them and were filmed for social media.
Student Engagement Officer Scarlett Mosnier said: “Everyone has been really generous and everyone’s contributions make a big difference.
“For the students dressing up and collecting money, it’s a confidence boost throwing yourself out there and seeing what comes of it.
“It’s something great to be part of. They can see the programme on television and see how they have contributed to something massive.”