More than 150 people have already put forward nominations for this year’s Neighbourhood Policing Awards, but there are just two weeks left for you to have your say.
With two weeks left until the closing date, you can make sure your local beat manager, neighbourhood team, police community support officer (PCSO), special constable, police staff member, police cadet or community volunteer is in with a chance of picking up an award at this year’s ceremony in November.
Speaking about the awards, Police and Crime Commissioner Sue Mountstevens said: “Please keep your nominations coming in.
“We are incredibly grateful to all of you who have taken the time to recognise examples of great neighbourhood policing so far.
“We are thoroughly enjoying reading what you have to tell us about the work that goes on in your local community to keep you safe and feeling safe.
“Your nominations mean so much to us all.”
To highlight what the awards mean to those who are nominated we have been speaking to some of last year’s winners to gather their thoughts on how they felt about being nominated for a Neighbourhood Policing Award.
PCSO Ian Taylor won PCSO of the Year for the North East before going on to win overall force winner on the night of the awards.
Speaking about the awards he said: “I was fully aware that I had been voted for, although I had mentioned it to the community no one had said they had voted for me.
“So it was amazing to find out I had won my category, it was great to know that what I had been doing over the last few years had been appreciated.
“To win the overall PCSO of the year for Avon and Somerset was possibly the proudest moment of my career.
“I would encourage anyone thinking of voting to do it! Knowing you have been nominated gives you a real boost and if you are lucky enough to win then it’s a real sense of achievement.”
Police Constable (PC) Natalie Draper who was awarded both policing area and overall force winner of the Beat Manager of the Year category at the 2014 awards said: “It was amazing news that the general public put me forward. It just showed they had confidence in me doing a job that I enjoy.
“It made me feel wanted and very much needed within the community I serve.
“I was not only amazed that I won beat manager for my district but to be the overall beat manager for Avon and Somerset was outstanding and something that will stay with me for the rest of my career.
“I would very much encourage people to take the time to nominate those who are committed in their community and work hard to make a difference.”
To nominate visit – the closing date is 4th August and nomination forms are also available in police stations and libraries.
After this date an independent panel will select winners across the policing areas and an awards ceremony will be held on Thursday, 26th November at Cadbury House Hotel where an overall force winner for each category will be announced.