Avon and Somerset Police are urging people living in Bath to be on the alert after an attempt to con a man out of cash for repairs to his guttering earlier this week.
Three men called on a householder in the Twerton area on Monday 10th October, claiming to be working on a neighbouring property and offering to clear the guttering.
Neighbourhood PC Mark Hodder said: “These three men were very insistent and claimed the 55-year-old householder could be liable to be taken to court by his neighbour if the work wasn’t done.
“They offered to take him to the bank to get the money and came back twice to demand the cash, banging on his doors and windows and claiming to have already started work.
“Thankfully the householder did the right thing by refusing to answer the door again and reporting the incident to us. No money changed hands.”
Police enquiries have shown that no work was being carried out on the neighbouring property.
PC Hodder said: “This sort of incident is known as rogue trading, and involves unscrupulous workmen trying to pressure people to have work done unnecessarily; overcharging or carrying out work to a poor standard.
“You are entitled to a cooling-off period before work starts, so you should never feel pressured to have work done.”
Police and Trading Standards officers always recommend getting three quotes from reputable firms, ideally recommended by a friend or relative, for any work you need done.
Assured traders can be found in the Council’s Buy With Confidence Directory, a copy of which is available on the Council’s website: www.bathnes.gov.uk/BuyWithConfidence.
The three men who called at the house were described as:
- A white man between 5ft 2ins and 5ft 4ins tall, slim and clean shaven with balding grey hair and a ‘scruffy’ appearance;
- A white man about 6ft 1ins or 6ft 2ins tall, of proportionate build and clean shaven with dark hair. He was said to be ‘smart’ and ‘fresh-faced’ and wore jeans and a jumper;
- A white man about between 5ft 8ins and 5ft 9ins tall, slim, with grey hair. He was said to be scruffy and have a speech impediment.
Officers are asking anyone with information which could help enquiries into this incident, or who has seen these men in the Bath area, to get in touch through their online form, www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/contact, or by calling 101, quoting reference 6216226911.
Alternatively ring the independent charity Crimestoppers www.crimestoppers-uk.org on 0800 555 111. They never ask your name or trace your call.
Top doorstep crime prevention tips:
- If you’re not sure, don’t open the door
- If you are suspicious of a caller ring 999 straight away
- If you see someone calling door-to-door, but only on frail or elderly neighbours, call 999 straight away
- Don’t keep large sums in cash at home
- Keep windows and doors secured if you’re not in the room
- Join Neighbourhood Watch.