Bath & North East Somerset Council has joined forces with BANES Citizens Advice Bureau to promote Big Energy Saving Week, a campaign to help people save money.
Local residents are encouraged to attend one of the drop in sessions run by BANES Citizens Advice Bureau and B&NES Energy at Home, where you can get help and advice on getting a better deal on your energy bills and on how to improve your home’s energy performance.
You can also get free, expert home energy advice over the telephone from the Energy at Home Advice Service.
They have information about all the grants available to help make energy saving home improvements, including a local grant of up to £6,000 available to home owners, private landlords and private renting tenants.
The Advice Service is available Monday to Friday 9am-6pm, and on Saturday mornings 9am-12pm.
To get in contact Freephone 0800 038 5680 or email [email protected].
Councillor Martin Veal (Conservative, Bathavon North), Cabinet Member for Community Services, said: “Big Energy Saving Week is a great opportunity for residents to take control of their energy bills.
“There is free expert advice available to all residents, and there are substantial grants and support on offer to help make energy saving home improvements.”
Gill Whitehead, Director of BANES Citizens Advice Bureau said “We are pleased to be working with the Council to promote the positive steps that residents can take to help reduce energy bills and prepare their homes for winter.
“We will be giving out energy saving information and free radiator keys at all of our drop-in sessions during the week.”
Throughout Big Energy Saving Week you can get energy saving information, advice and a free radiator key from the following locations:
Tuesday 27th:
- CAB Drop-in Midsomer Norton The Hollies, 9.30-2pm
Wednesday 28th:
- Energy at Home Advice Service Drop In, Bath Central Library, 10am-3pm
- CAB Drop-in Bath One Stop Shop, 9.30am-2pm
- CAB Drop-in Midsomer Norton The Hollies, 9.30am-2pm
- Bath CAB Office, 2 Edgar Buildings, George Street,10am-2pm
Thursday 29th:
- CAB Drop-in Keynsham Civic Centre, 10am-2pm
- Bath CAB Office, 2 Edgar Buildings, George Street, 10am-2pm
Friday 30th:
- CAB Drop-in Bath One Stop Shop, 9.30am-2pm
- CAB Drop-in Midsomer Norton The Hollies, 9.30-2pm
- Bath CAB Office, 2 Edgar Buildings, George Street,10am-2pm