More than 200 local people visited a public exhibition over the weekend, to view proposals for the regeneration of the Foxhill estate in Bath.
The proposals to provide new, high quality housing, improved walking, cycling and transport routes and more green spaces are being developed by local housing and support organisation Curo with architects HTA Design, local residents and stakeholders.
Curo bought the former Foxhill MOD site in 2013. Their ambition is to use the development of the site, now known as Mulberry Park, as a catalyst for positive regeneration, improving both the physical and social environment at Foxhill.
Curo Chief Executive Victor da Cunha said: “We’re delighted that so many people took the time to come and see the proposals for Foxhill. We’ve received really positive and helpful feedback on the proposals so far and there’s a real sense of excitement about the benefits this scheme could bring to the area.
“We understand that these proposals may be unsettling for some residents. We have been working with B&NES Council and local groups to ensure that support is in place for those residents who may be affected.
“We’re grateful for all the feedback we’ve received and will spend the next few weeks looking at how we can incorporate people’s views into the development proposals, in preparation for the next exhibition in July.”
Following the exhibition, Curo will use the feedback received to develop the proposals further.
The regeneration plans will be presented at another public exhibition on 16th July, before submission of an outline planning application to B&NES Council later in 2016.