Bath-based Trio Paradis have announced a new series of monthly Café Concerts at the city’s St Michael’s Church.

Bath-based Trio Paradis | Photo courtesy of Trio Paradis
Trio Paradis are Jacquelyn Bevan (piano), Lisa Betteridge (violin) and Linda Stocks (cello).
Jacquelyn and her colleagues formed Musicians South West CIC, a not-for-profit company, to bring live music to a wider audience.
In addition to playing traditional evening concerts and in residential care homes, they perform Café Concerts at community venues in the wider area, playing more than 120 events each year.
The informal daytime events take place every month, with music in a variety of styles to appeal to a wide audience.
Café Concerts are aimed mainly at older people and those who have difficulty accessing live music events for a variety of reasons, including lack of transport or money, or having to care for a relative. ‘Home-ed’ families regularly attend too.
The concerts are aligned with the Warm Spaces network. They are free, with pay-what-you-feel donations invited to ensure everyone can attend.
Trio Paradis champions the music of women composers, including them in virtually every concert.
They will be putting on a new selection of daytime concerts at St Michael’s Church on the last Friday of every month at 3.30pm.
The series begins on 23rd February with Daughter of the Muse, featuring music by women composers.
On 22nd March (to avoid Good Friday) the theme of the concert is Birdsong.
On 26th April the concert is titled The English Romantics and will feature early 20th century masterpieces. On 31st May the theme is The Flower Garden.
The concerts last about 45 minutes and the café at St Michael’s is open beforehand.
Among the other venues where Café Concerts are held is St John’s Church Hall in Keynsham on the last Friday lunchtime of the month.
For more information, visit or @trioparadisbath on Facebook.