Local residents, business owners and visitors are being invited by Bath & North East Somerset Council to come together to tackle the urban gull population in the city.

A campaign by the Council to tackle the gulls was launched earlier in the year
A scrutiny inquiry day is being held on Wednesday 27th November 2013 with the aim of reducing the gulls’ food source caused by litter and waste dropped on the ground or exposed in unsuitable containers.
The day will aim to raise awareness on the causes of large gull populations and dispel myths about what can and cannot be done to solve the problem.
The ultimate aim is to come up with a set of practical recommendations for change and for every resident, worker and visitor to play their part.
The morning will focus on providing information and will include presentations by experts, council officers and government representatives. The afternoon will include a workshop session for everyone to have their say in the practical recommendations that are put forward.
Councillor Marie Longstaff, Chair of the Planning, Transport and Environment Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel, said, “The purpose of the day is to engage everybody who works, lives or spends time in our area to take responsibility for the issue and causes. The increasing gull population is a subject that bothers a lot of people, and we sympathise with that.
“But it isn’t only the Council’s responsibility to tackle it. We want to challenge those people and businesses who are making the problem worse through a lack of thought and for everyone else to know that little bit more and contribute to the solutions.”
Local resident, Kirsten Elliott campaigned to councillors to take action in bringing the community together to promote joint responsibility. She said: “I’m a believer in making things happen, not sitting on my hands moaning. I felt people need to get together if we want to see a long term change. Many times have I seen household and business rubbish being fought over by two or more birds and it is frustrating to know that wouldn’t happen if people took more responsibility and thought about the consequences. Like everybody, I just want what is best for my city.”
The inquiry is a public meeting and the council wishes to encourage broad interest and participation in the day. Although it is not obligatory to submit statements in advance for this sort of event, it is recommended that those who want to speak on the day do so. Statements should be sent no later than five working days before. Due to the expected demand, each speaker will be allocated a maximum of three minutes.
For further information on the day or to submit a written statement, contact: [email protected]; Policy Development and Scrutiny Team, Bath & North East Somerset Council, High Street, Bath, BA1 5AW; or call 01225 396053.