On Sunday 2nd August at 2pm, the Bath Spa Band and Bath Spa Training Band will be performing a concert in Royal Victoria Park to celebrate Love Parks Week.
Love Parks Week is a national celebration of our parks and green spaces, with over 1.4 million people taking part last year.
Music will include film music from Jurassic Park, Gershwin and Tom Jones as well traditional marches and classic band favourites such as the Floral Dance.
The Bath Spa Training Band will also be performing, showcasing the talents of their many members, ranging from ages 8 to 80 plus.
The event is free and open to all.
Bring a picnic and join us to celebrate one of the wonderful parks in Bath.
The Bath Spa Band are grateful to Bath in Bloom, The Charter Trustees of Bath and Morgan-Brinkhurst Consultancy for their sponsorship of the event.
To find out more about Love Parks Week, visit: http://www.loveparks.org/love-parks-week