Monkton Combe School was recently visited by Peter Groves, director at chartered accountants Milsted Langdon’s Bath office, who presented one of their students with an award.
The visit was to present one of the school’s students with the Milsted Langdon Award For Enterprise 2014.
Winning a trophy and £100 worth of book vouchers was Henry Kane.
Henry said: “My interest in business studies and economics inspired me to create my own company. The internet is changing rapidly and I wanted to take the opportunity to provide a service for companies and individuals to enable them to obtain a memorable presence.
“At Companies House I registered a company called Divido – from the Latin I learnt at school meaning I divide – and it is an online auction house that specialises in one and two letter premium internet names from top level domains.
“From its inception, my goal was that Divido would be self financing and it has outstripped my wildest expectations. As I look to my future, I am reassured to know that my time at university is already fully-funded by my company.”
Peter added: “At Milsted Langdon, we have long enjoyed successful relationships with our local schools and colleges, supporting and encouraging the businessmen and women of tomorrow. Henry should be very proud of himself and we’ll be keeping an eye on him and Divido in the future.”
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