A request by Bath & North East Somerset Council to join the Connecting Devon and Somerset Broadband programme has been formally accepted by the bid partners.
The Council’s investment together with funding from Government will unlock significant further investment for local broadband infrastructure.
The Connecting Devon and Somerset project is an ambitious programme that will result in all homes and businesses in the area being able to access broadband speeds of at least 2mbps by 2015 with almost nine out of ten enjoying superfast speeds of up to 24Mbps. Complete superfast coverage is anticipated by 2020. The project is one of the first 3 national schemes chosen to roll out superfast broadband to the ‘hard to reach’ areas that will not be touched by the private sector.
Councillor Cherry Beath said, “The acceptance of our request by the Connecting Devon and Somerset Broadband programme is really good news for Bath & North East Somerset Council residents because it takes us another step towards 21st century standard broadband infrastructure.
“Faster broadband speeds are a vital part of our plan to build a stronger economy through supporting businesses to be more competitive and cost efficient, helping local people to access services, and provide information and learning opportunities. The Council is looking forward to working with our partners and the community to roll this out across the District. We need people to play their part and fill in the surveys that will help inform the Connecting Devon and Somerset programme.”
Play your part in our broadband future
The plan for comprehensive local broadband is already in action. Bath and North East Somerset residents need to show strong demand for faster broadband and show what current speeds and coverage we have in the area.
To do this residents are being asked to register their interest on http://www.connectingdevonandsomerset.co.uk where there is a simple survey to complete.
Alternatively they can call their hotline on 0844 463 6887. The survey was originally due to close on 29 February but is being extended into April to ensure residents and businesses in Bath and North East Somerset have time to participate.
In addition information leaflets will be sent to businesses and residential addresses across the District. People at these addresses will then be contacted by telephone and invited to respond to the survey in that way.