The City of Bath College is to star in a BBC Springwatch special about seabirds this week.
Springwatch presenter Michaela Strachan recently visited Bath to film gulls nesting on the top of the College’s high-rise Macaulay Building.
The part of the programme filmed at the College will focus on how some of the UK’s seabirds have moved away from their traditional breeding grounds by the sea.
The Springwatch team travelled to the far corners of the UK for this special programme. Martin Hughes-Games visited Orkney, the ‘seabird capital’ of the UK; Iolo Williams went to Skomer Island – the largest and most important seabird breeding colony in southern Britain and home to 6,000 pairs of Atlantic Puffins; and Chris Packham visited Bristol Museum to investigate the amazing way the UK’s seabirds are built for a life of extremes.
The programme will be broadcast on BBC 2 and BBC HD on Thursday 23rdAugust at 9pm.