There is a sense that exciting things are on the cards for Roann McCloskey. Playing a two-night gig at St James Wine Vaults; this is her award winning 2019 Vault Festival show at Bath Fringe prior to a lengthy run in Edinburgh.
My Father the Tantric Masseur is a captivating title; this standup routine is packed full of love, integrity, wit and humour.
Roann takes us through her rather extraordinary life as a post #MeToo Queer, British Algerian woman whose reserved English father became a masseur in his later life.
There is so much to like in her delivery, the ease of conversations is just glorious whether naming genitals, early explorations into sex or discussing topics that stop your breath for just one moment.
Although Roann is new to the circuit, the accolades awarded to this show alongside the support from Soho Theatre are well deserved.
We are connected to her family immediately and they become more and more familiar as the piece develops. Her Mother is an ever-present character, whose straight-talking cuts through so many of the story lines.
Roann is clearly a highly skilled performer, whilst the appearance as part of Bath Fringe is regarded as a “try out” for a month run at The Assembly Studio 4 in Edinburgh; given the reaction of the large audience there is little that needs adjusting.
Roann has a fresh, compelling voice that deserves a much wider audience; bigger things are surely on the cards.
Next Show: 8 June 9pm St James Wine Vaults, Bath.
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Reviewer: Petra Schofield
My Father the Tantric Masseur, written and performed by Roann McCloskey, is showing at the St James Wine Vaults in Bath on Saturday 8 June, at 9pm.
Find out more on the Bath Fringe website here.