Detailed plans to invest as part of a balanced budget that continues to protect essential frontline services have been unveiled by Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Cabinet.
By driving greater efficiencies, as well as looking at innovative ways to continue delivering services, the Cabinet has been able to set aside funds for investment in the future of the area to deliver its core priorities including improving transport, creating homes and jobs, supporting young and older people alike, and investing in cleaner, greener and healthier communities.
Councillor Charles Gerrish (Conservative, Keynsham North), the Council’s Cabinet Member for Finance & Efficiency, said: “Our focus on six key areas will guide Council activity and budget planning over the next year; ensuring that resources are allocated in a robust and sustainable manner and enable the Council to invest in the things that matter most to local people.
“We have undertaken a thorough root-and-branch review of the Council’s finances, and our aim is to maximise efficiency and grow income through investments so that we can better protect frontline services.”
“The vast majority of the savings we are having to make are being achieved through increased efficiency and service innovation, enabling us to invest in the future prosperity of the area.”
Since last December’s announcement on local government funding, which saw a larger reduction in Government grant than had been anticipated, the Council has been working to find an additional £3.6 million worth of savings in the coming year, with further savings required in future years over and above the £38 million it had already been working to achieve over the next four years.
The Cabinet has identified specific investment priorities, following a detailed Spending Review, as part of its commitment to delivering its three core aims, to ensure the Council:
- Is efficient and well run;
- Invests in the future of the area; and
- Puts the interests of residents first.
In order to achieve this and deliver council services fit for the future, the Cabinet is focusing on the following six key priorities that matter most to local people:
Improving local transport
- Funding to support the implementation of Transport Strategies for Bath, Keynsham, Chew and Somer Valleys in order to tackle congestion and improve local transport;
- Investing an additional £500k in highway maintenance, over and above the £3.6 million granted by Government, in order to better maintain the condition of our local roads;
- Continued support of local buses, including additional investment through the Better Bus Fund.
Delivering new homes and jobs over coming years
- Investing more than £3.2 million in new affordable housing schemes throughout the area, including support for extra-care housing and a shared-housing initiative for young people, as well as affordable housing schemes in rural and urban areas;
- Improving connectivity through continued support for rural broadband and investing in the Digital B&NES project to enable the provision of ultra and superfast broadband to local businesses;
- Supporting local traders through investment in improved Wayfinding;
- Up to a £30 million investment to support Bath Quays delivery, enabling the creation of thousands of local jobs and income from commercial property.
Investing in local young people
- Protection for frontline children and youth services including children’s centres, child protection services and schools.
- Improving and expanding facilities at Riverside Youth Hub.
- Investing over £6 million in new and improved school buildings in order to modernise facilities for local school children and support parental choice;
- Upgrading and modernising children’s play areas throughout the district.
Supporting cleaner, greener and healthier communities
- Protecting frontline environmental services including street cleansing, with no further public toilet closures;
- Providing £60k to tackle the urban gull problem and enable the delivery of the new Gull Strategy;
- Investing in new leisure facilities in Bath and Keynsham to support an increase in participation in physical activities.
Promoting greater choice and independence for older people
- Protecting frontline adult health and social care services with additional funding enabled through the new Social Care precept.
- Investing over £1 million in Disabled Facilities Grants to enable home adaptations that support greater independence for elderly and vulnerable residents.
Tackling waste and increasing efficiency
- Saving over £5 million through internal organizational savings and financial efficiencies.
- Exploring more opportunities to share services and collaborate with other organisations, including health, other public services and local authorities.
- Generating over £3 million of new income for 2016/17 by innovative means, such as:
- More weddings and events in a variety of local places;
- Growing income from the Council’s commercial property estate;
- Growing the visitor economy, with more markets, pop-ups and events;
- Developing the CCTV service to operate on a more commercial footing;
- Increasing income from their Heritage estate and assets.
The detailed budget proposals for 2016/17 have been published in advance of the Cabinet meeting which takes place on Wednesday 10th February. The public meeting will also be webcast live from 6pm.