Council officers who keep the streets of Bath and North East Somerset safe and offer advice to the public have been given a new-look uniform, with the option to wear shorts in hot weather.

Bath and North East Somerset Council’s Civil Enforcement Officers in their new uniform
Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs), previously known as traffic wardens or parking attendants, are often the first point of contact for visitors and residents.
Spending less than 10% of their time enforcing parking restrictions, the officers are frequently called upon to help with directions to local landmarks or parking queries.
The new uniform reflects their approachability, as well as incorporating a polo shirt and optional shorts to allow them to remain cool and comfortable in the heat.
Councillor Neil Butters, cabinet member for Transport Services, said: “Our Civil Enforcement Officers provide a crucial service in making the streets of Bath and North East Somerset safer for everyone.
“They offer the public excellent support with parking, directions and information about the local area and they always work outside in the fresh air.
“It is good to see them enjoy a versatile, modern uniform that reflects their professionalism, whilst allowing them to be comfortable helping people on our streets in warm weather.”
35 CEOs operate across Bath and North East Somerset seven days a week, including early mornings and late evenings, walking up to 10 miles a day in all weathers.
They help keep local roads safe and help to reduce congestion by enforcing parking restrictions on public roads, as well as in the city’s car parks.
They also have a wider role covering minor repairs to pay and display machines, reporting environmental crimes such as littering or dog fouling and reporting abandoned vehicles.