Ben Howlett, the Member of Parliament for Bath, has recently launched a YouTube channel for constituents, in a bid to highlight the work that he has been doing for the city.
The channel, which is regularly updated, has videos ranging from speeches that Ben gave in Parliament to activities he undergoes in the constituency, such as a recent video in which Ben participated in a blindfolded guide dog walk.
The addition of YouTube follows from Ben’s previous social media platforms, which now counts Twitter, Facebook and Instagram among the collection.
Speaking about the channel, Ben said: “I created this YouTube channel so that constituents can keep up to date with my work.
“Not everybody reads newspapers or particularly wants to spend time searching on the internet to find out what their MP has been doing.
“By having this channel, anyone can now go online and watch what I have been up to.”
Ben also hopes that the YouTube channel will also attract to a younger demographic who may previously have been uninterested in politics.
He continued: “I know that a lot of teenagers and young adults feel politics is boring or inaccessible, and so I hope that this channel will shed a new light onto what politics is really about.
“YouTube is a huge entertain platform and millions of young people use YouTube everyday, so by having these videos readily available alongside their usual entertainment will make it easier than ever to engage in politics.”
You can see Ben’s videos on his channel here, and subscribe to keep up to date with his videos.