B&NES Council and Curo have drafted a joint charter to shape the regeneration of Foxhill, developed through a series of joint workshops led by national regeneration experts from the Homes & Communities Agency.
It sets out four shared ambitions to shape the future of the neighbourhood that will be delivered through a combination of social, economic and physical regeneration.
The ambitions are:
- Communities: communities which continue to be proud of themselves and the local neighbourhood
- Connections: a neighbourhood which is well connected and fully integrated with its surroundings
- Housing Choice: a destination where people choose to come to live and then want to stay
- Quality of Place: a vibrant neighbourhood with a mix of uses and a strong local economy
The development of the charter follows the area’s designation as a Housing Zone by central Government in 2015.
The Housing Zone covers the former MOD Foxhill site – now called Mulberry Park – and the neighbouring Foxhill estate and offers government support to accelerate the delivery of new homes across the two sites.
In January 2016, the Council and Curo secured £313,000 revenue funding from central Government to further support housing delivery in the Foxhill.
Cllr Liz Richardson (Conservative, Chew Valley North), Cabinet Member for Homes and Planning said “This draft Charter is an excellent starting point for discussions with the community about what Foxhill might look like in the years to come and will help underpin the work Curo are about to start with the community in shaping this regeneration.
“I was very pleased to be able to work with fellow Cabinet Members and senior managers from both Curo and the Council to develop a shared ambition for a sustainable, regenerated Foxhill.”
Victor da Cunha, Chief Executive of Curo said “The Foxhill Housing Zone is a scheme of national and local significance.
“This charter will provide Curo, the Council and local people with a shared ambition for the distinctive, vibrant and sustainable community we can all work together to create.
“We look forward to continuing that work to bring much needed new homes and a long term sustainable future for Foxhill.”
Cllr Bob Goodman (Cons, Combe Down) said: “I’m very pleased that the draft Foxhill Charter has been produced, which proposes a shared ambition for the future of the area.
“When I first became a Councillor last year there was a lot of concern among the community about Curo’s plans for the area.
“Whilst there are still issues which need to be addressed going forward, a lot of progress has been made over the past year in bringing Curo and the residents together, with careful discussions between the community and all parties to ensure the voice of residents is heard.
“I would encourage all residents in the area to get involved in the consultation and give their views on this draft charter.”
The Homes & Communities Agency are now asking local people for their views on the draft charter.
To read and comment on the draft charter, visit the Council website at: