Don Foster, the MP for Bath, has welcomed new rules unveiled by the Liberal Democrats that will help pub tenants battling to pay rent or beer costs in Bath.
Landlords tied to large pub companies have said they are struggling to make a decent living, with more than half claiming they earn less than the minimum wage.
The Government will give landlords the right to request a rent review after five years, as well as set up an independent adjudicator with the power to resolve disputes.
Commenting, Don Foster MP said: “Local pubs and their owners play a vital part in vibrant local communities right across the country, as well as making an important contribution to building a stronger economy. But far too many landlords feel their income is squeezed by big pub companies.
“So, the Lib Dems in government are taking action to make sure they get a fairer deal.”
Tied tenants have to buy beer from their owning company, and usually pay a higher price for it.
This should be balanced out by subsidised rent or other benefits they may receive from their pub company, but this may not happen and rents can be too high.
However, under the new code, pub landlords will benefit from fairer rent assessments.