The University of Bath has announced its intention to produce a new Masterplan for its site on Claverton Down, following on from their current scheme which was created in 2007.
The University’s current Masterplan was written in response to the 2007 Local Plan and Core Strategy and is in need of updating.
Working in collaboration with Bath and North East Somerset Council, stakeholders and the wider community, the Masterplan will establish a comprehensive vision for the enhancement and further development of the University’s estate, ensuring its long term sustainability.
The Masterplan will consider the provision of teaching and research accommodation, support services, student accommodation, parking, sports facilities and green infrastructure.
Professor Steve Egan, Vice-President (Implementation) at the University of Bath, said: “The capacity of the Campus to accommodate further development is very limited and ultimately finite.
“Therefore, the University is prioritising the provision of further teaching and research facilities on Campus that are critical to the continued success of the University, and which must, for operational reasons, be co-located with the existing services and facilities.
“Nevertheless, the University is very aware of its responsibilities in respect of ensuring that its students are appropriately accommodated, and that is of course a fundamental element of the student experience that is critical to any University’s continued success.
“The University is currently constructing an additional 293 student bedrooms on campus.
The University of Bath employs more than 3,000 people, holds a research portfolio worth over £145 million and contributes approximately £294 million to the local economy.
The new Masterplan will be used to help inform the new Local Plan being prepared by Bath and North East Somerset Council.
Public consultation events will be held on Wednesday 14th March, 10am-4pm in the foyer of the East Building, Claverton Campus, University of Bath, BA2 7AY and Thursday 15th March, 12pm-7pm at Carpenter House, Broad Quay, Bath, BA1 1UB.
The exhibition materials and a feedback form will be available online at from Wednesday 14th March until Thursday 29th March.