Students at Bath College have been offered a once in a lifetime opportunity to live and work in Spain for six weeks, with their flights, accommodation and food paid for as part of the trip, funded by ERASMUS Plus.
They will work in Seville welcoming thousands of visitors to Southern Spain as tour operators, walking tour guides, and receptionists.
The teenagers, aged 17 to 19, will live independently and work a variety of shifts for around 30 hours a week.
Student Tom Humphreys will be flying out to Spain for the first time and is looking forward to working abroad.
Tom, 18, has five conditional offers to study tourism management at degree level after finishing his course and hopes to go to Bournemouth University.
He said: “Someone suggested I study travel and tourism at college and I haven’t looked back since.
“You can go into aviation or you can be working on a cruise ship. It’s such a broad industry you’re not restricted in any way.
“I’m looking forward to learning about some of the culture and how the Spanish do things differently to us.
“In my third year of university I have to do a placement overseas, so it will be good preparation for that.”
ERASMUS Plus is a European Union programme offering opportunities for students to study, work and train abroad.
Students at Bath College went through a robust process to receive funding and were put on the spot during interviews.
They will study on an intensive six-week Spanish course at the college and will continue to take weekly Spanish lessons in Seville.
Kate Hobbs, Deputy Head of Department for Sport, Business and Health, said: “This is a vocational course and it’s important to provide the students with opportunities to gain practical experience.
“It’s a hugely beneficial opportunity for them to learn about what it’s like to live and work in a different culture, as well as develop key employability skills that will support their progression when they finish college.”