Following news that Fitzroy House is to be sold, Bath MP Ben Howlett has received reassurances from current owner Anchor that they have had interest from other registered social housing providers and are keen to sell to one.

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Ben recently met with Anchor Chief Executive, Jane Ashcroft CBE in Westminster for an update on the Fitzroy House situation.
Following their meeting, Ben said: “The situation at Fitzroy House has been difficult for all concerned, and the safety of residents has been paramount throughout.
“I am very keen that Bath should retain the sheltered accommodation provision previously provided by Anchor and am reassured that this remains a possibility.”
Anchor Chief Executive, Jane Ashcroft CBE said: “While a great deal of investment would be needed to make the building suitable for the next generation of older people, the fact that the building has £778,000 of grant attached to it will support registered providers considering retaining the property for social housing.
“Any purchaser, including a registered provider, will need to weigh up the overall cost against the future income.
“We are obliged by our charitable status to ensure we get best value for the site so we can reinvest proceeds into our older people’s housing and care services.
“We are keen to work with local organisations on the sale if possible.”