Police and Crime Commissioner Sue Mountstevens is looking to appointment new members to her Independent Residents’ Panel to contribute to enhancing trust and confidence in the review of complaint files against the police.
The Panel is part of the PCC’s vision to involve local people in the current complaints handling process, not only looking at police complaints files, but to also give insight into this police procedure by reporting back to the PCC on their findings.
Police and Crime Commissioner Sue Mountstevens said: “I want everyone in Avon and Somerset to have the highest levels of confidence in the Police and this reason I set up the Independent Resident’s Panel back in 2013.
“It is really important to involve local people in policing and I am pleased to be able to offer this volunteering opportunity.
“I cannot do this role alone and want to hear from people who are passionate about improving policing. All of our volunteers, members of the Panel included, play a vital part in assisting me in my role.
“If you are passionate about policing and our communities I would encourage you to find out more about this role and consider applying.”
Panel members receive training and travel expenses and will be required to take part in quarterly meetings to review police complaint files, highlighting where policing is working consistently to extend good practice before submitting a report to the PCC.
To apply or find out more information visit the vacancies page on the PCC website: www.avonandsomerset-pcc.gov.uk/Take-Part/Vacancies.aspx or contact Kate Watson on 01275 816825.
The closing date for applications is 30th September 2016 and dates for selection days are week commencing 24th and 31st October 2016.