A Christmas memorial service dedicated to loved ones who have passed away is being organised by Haycombe Cemetery and Crematorium.
The service will be held online on Sunday 12th December.
Bath & North East Somerset Council is inviting residents to send in tags with a message to their loved one, and the person’s name will be read out during the virtual Act of Remembrance.
The tag will then be hung on the Christmas tree in the chapel and a candle lit in their name.
The event is being held in place of the annual in-person service, offering people a risk-free way of paying tribute to loved ones as Covid-19 continues to affect the area.
It also means that people anywhere in the world can join the Act of Remembrance at any time from 12th December throughout the month.
Councillor Dine Romero, cabinet member for Children and Young People, Communities and Culture, said: “We are sorry not to be able to welcome visitors to Haycombe this year, but we are pleased to offer this special way to honour those we love in a virtual way instead.
“It is a special chance at this time of year to remember those who have been loved and lost, accessible to family and friends across the globe.
“I know the Haycombe team feel privileged to be able to make the act of remembrance on your behalf for you to watch at home.”
Messages can be written on any gift tag and can be hand delivered or posted to Haycombe Cemetery, Whiteway Road, Bath, BA2 2RQ by 1st December.
There will also be tags available in the Book of Remembrance Room at the Top Chapel.
Alternatively, messages can be emailed to [email protected] and a tag will be written on your behalf.
The message will not be read out, only the loved one’s name. Please print the name clearly within the message.
The Act of Remembrance can be viewed from 12th December and at any time until the end of December at https://watch.obitus.com.
Enter username: cola0438 and password: 121987.