Next Tuesday, 16th April, Bath-based housing association Curo will be hosting a public information exhibition to showcase the developed proposals for the city’s first new park in 100 years.
At the exhibition, visitors will be able to see the detailed design for the main area of public open space and the woodland walk which will be delivered by Curo at Mulberry Park, alongside proposed improvements to Pope’s Walk bridleway.
Curo Chief Executive, Victor da Cunha, said: “We’d like to thank our stakeholders and residents in Foxhill, Mulberry Park and Combe Down who’ve taken the time to attend our previous workshops and exhibitions and helped us shape the plans for the new public open spaces at Mulberry Park.
“Alongside well-designed areas for events that are accessible for all, the park will also have play and picnic spaces, sensory and edible planting and connections to other places – for example, Springfield Park and the popular National Trust Skyline Walk.
“Together with The Hub, the park will be a focal point for the community to meet up, play sports, attend events and spend time together.”
The exhibition will take place at The Hub at Mulberry Park from 3pm until 7pm on Tuesday 16th April, and will also offer residents the chance to trial free activities currently on offer at the community centre.
Manager of The Hub, Lizzie Irvine, added: “This event is all about the community, from getting involved in the plans for their new park to joining one of the free 30-minute taster classes offered by the fantastic instructors at The Hub.

A number of activities will be available to trial during the event
“We’re offering something for everyone, from fitness to line dancing and Tai Chi and we look forward to welcoming as many residents as possible on the day.”
Curo will submit the developed proposals for the park to Bath & North East Somerset Council for approval in May. Subject to planning permission, the anticipated completion for the new park is 2022.