Six projects across Bath are set to benefit from a share of £263,000 of community funding, following a public consultation last autumn.
A new all-weather pitch at Bath City Football Club, extended support for the Student Community Partnership and refurbishment of Weston Community Library are among the selected beneficiaries.
The fifteenth round of the Bath Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) will also support the development of smaller communal allotment sites, improved play facilities at Whiteway Green Park and further work by the Bath Preservation Trust.
The projects, which were chosen following feedback received from the public, include:
- A FIFA Quality PRO all-weather pitch at Bath City Football Club at Twerton Park Stadium – £75,000
- Installation of swings, toddler equipment, flooring and other enhancements by Curo Housing Group at Whiteway Green Park – £40,000
- Support for Bath Preservation Trust to continue to deliver projects through the Bath World Heritage Enhancement Fund for the next three years – £60,000
- Refurbishments and rental costs for the next decade for Weston Community Library – £27,100
- A further year of support for the work of the Student Community Partnership Community Warden and Administrator – £47,000
- Funding of communal projects at BANES Allotment Association to include the creation of smaller plots and micro-sites – £14,000
Councillor Kevin Guy, council leader, said: “I am pleased to approve the funding allocation for these projects which have been backed by our communities and will have a positive impact for residents in Bath.
“Thank you to everyone who took part in our consultation and helped us identify the projects that matter to you.”
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a planning charge, introduced by the Planning Act 2008 as a tool for local authorities in England and Wales to help deliver infrastructure to support the development of their area.
From the overall Community Infrastructure Levy that is collected, Bath receives 15% of the receipts, which are allocated to The Neighbourhood Portion of CIL for Bath.
In the absence of a parish council for Bath, the council has a statutory responsibility to allocate the funds.