Parents and carers of primary school age children are being encouraged to attend a free course run by Bath and North East Somerset Community Health and Care Services.
The course aims to help parents develop skills to better understand what is being communicated through their child’s behaviour.
The 10-week parenting support course, run by the Wellbeing College, will explore issues such as communication, development needs, parenting styles, behaviour difficulties and sleep for people who look after children aged 4 to 11 years old.
Sessions will start on Friday 19th January from 10am to 2pm at Southdown Methodist Church Centre, 206 The Hollow, Bath, BA2 1NG and run every Friday week until 23rd March.
Groups will not run during school holidays and each session builds on the previous so it’s important to attend as many as possible.
The first session will be an introductory morning and there will be an optional reunion upon completion of the course.
Evaluation of previous courses has shown that parents have not only found attending the group helpful, but they tend to feel less anxious and their children’s behaviour tends to improve too.
One parent said: “’Going to the support group has enabled me to take a step back and question why things are happening.”
Another parent said: “It has been an invaluable part of my week; a grounding amidst the chaos!”
Surrinder Bains, course leader of the ‘parenting course’ being run by the Wellbeing College said: “This group has been designed as a ‘first response’ to parenting support for families who want to learn more about their child or children’s behaviour.
“It offers an informal environment where they can meet up with parents of similar aged children and enable them to understand and work on the continuously changing and challenging demands of parenting.”
People can book their place by calling the Wellbeing College on 01225 831820.