A stretch of road in Batheaston will have a new footpath installed following calls from ward councillors, the Parish Council and residents to make it safer.
The section of Bannerdown Road, close to the centre of Batheaston, is narrow with buildings on each side.
Anyone currently walking to and from town, including children going to the nearby primary school, has to share the carriageway with traffic.
Bath & North East Somerset Council is set to start work on 17th October to create a footpath along this section.
This will involve an off-peak road closure each day, from 9.15am to 4pm, for two weeks.
A diversion route will be signposted, using the C483 (Bannerdown Road, Roman Road), the A420, the A46 (Gloucester Road, Batheaston Bypass) and C22 (London Road West, High Street, London Road East).
Pedestrians and cyclists will still be able to get through the road closure, the diversion only applies to vehicles. This will be followed by another week of traffic controls during the same hours.
Other highways improvements have been incorporated in the works, including new drainage gulleys and mobility crossing points (dropped crossings).
To safely accommodate traffic through the narrowed section, a give-way priority system is also being put in place.