Avon Fire & Rescue Service (AF&RS) is urging people to ensure they stay warm, safe and healthy during the winter months, as part of a national campaign being led by the Met Office to help promote winter safety messages.
The messages include driving in bad weather, keeping warm and heating your home safely.
A series of links to the Met Office Get Ready for Winter campaign are now available on the AF&RS website at www.avonfire.gov.uk.
The information includes tips on driving in snow and ice, preventing the risk of fire when using alternative heat sources and how to stay healthy during the cold weather.
In common with other European countries, more people in the United Kingdom die in the winter than in the summer.
It is estimated that 18,200 excess winter deaths occurred in 2013/14, the majority of which occurred among those aged 75 and over.
For the winter of 2015/16, the NHS estimates the number of excess winter deaths will be around 30,000, with a bias towards females over 65 years of age.
AF&RS Group Manager for Risk Reduction, Matt Peskett, said: “The winter months pose a number of risks, as people try to keep warm and go about their lives in the normal way.
“Statistics show the number of deaths increases during the winter months, particularly amongst older people. We want to try and prevent as many of those as we can.
“Fires can start for a variety of reasons, including cooking left unattended, a spark from an open fire or an electrical fault. They can be devastating, destroying homes and endangering lives.
“Using portable heaters, log fires and electric blankets in one room may seem like a relatively cheap option, but it could end up costing you dear if a fire breaks out.
“As the colder weather begins to set in we have some tips for you to follow to make sure you and your family are safe this winter.”