Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Beau Street Hoard Roadshow team is showing off its Roman treasures in Bath as the roadshow finishes off its travels around the region.
On Monday 4th May, from 11am to 3pm, visitors can discover the mysteries and majesties behind the Beau Street Hoard at Fairfield House, Bath. An illustrated talk will take place at 2pm. Entry is free.
Visitors will be able to see some of the fabulous Roman coins found during an archaeological excavation in 2007, strike their own Roman coin to take home, learn all about the find and the mystery that shrouds it, take part in all-ages activities, and watch the illustrated talk.
The Roadshow project, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, is one way the Council-run Roman Baths is working to bring these marvellous coins out to communities in Bath, North East Somerset and beyond.
This will be the 17th and final roadshow – more than 2,000 people have enjoyed the events so far. More free talks are planned in the future.
The Beau Street Hoard was excavated by archaeologists on the site of the Gainsborough Hotel development in Beau Street, Bath, in 2007.
The 17,577 Roman coins span the period from 32BC – 275AD and were found in eight separate money bags, which were fused together.
No one knows how they got there, why they were put there, or why no-one ever returned for them; the mystery behind them has led to many interesting theories, but no actual fact.
In March 2014, Bath & North East Somerset Council was awarded a grant of £372,500 from the Heritage Lottery Fund to conserve and display the hoard – through a new accessible presentation at the Roman Baths and 33 different community activities, including roadshows.
It is now on permanent public display in a new interactive exhibit within the Aquae Sulis Gallery at the Roman Baths.