Latest information published by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has shown that the Royal United Hospital in Bath is one of the lowest risk hospitals in the country.
The CQC’s intelligent monitoring report assesses the Trust against 82 key indicators, each of which is classed as being ‘no evidence of risk’, ‘risk’ or ‘elevated risk’.
These indicators relate to the five key questions the regulator asks – are services safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led?
As the RUH has been recently inspected, they have not been assigned to one of the six risk bands as the CQC says that its new comprehensive inspections provide a definitive judgement for each organisation.
The RUH was visited as part of the first wave of new-style inspections in December, and the hospital received a good report with inspectors saying they deliver safe and effective care.
However, analysis shows that the RUH’s risk score of 2 out of a possible 164 would put the hospital in Band 6, the lowest risk group. The bandings range from 1 (highest risk) to 6 (lowest risk).
Chief Executive James Scott said: “I am delighted that the Care Quality Commission’s assessment reflects our belief that we are providing a safe, high quality level of care.
“Today’s report indicates that patients coming to the RUH are being cared for in one of the safest hospitals in the country. This is a great achievement and reflects the hard work and dedication of our staff to delivering excellent patient care.”